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UNIRIO's Graduate Programs in Performing Arts (PPGAC) brings together a broad faculty and a complex set of researches, in terms of objects, methodologies, and epistemological perspectives. Considering the set of projects gathered in them, the Lines of Research not only explain a fundamentally interdisciplinary approach to theater and art in a broader way, but also maintain a primary and agglutinating focus on the specific study of the performing arts, its practices, its problems, and procedures. In the PPGAC’s faculty, there are today both young researchers and doctors with a long history of research and teaching. Alongside researchers who privilege, in their trajectories, a fundamentally academic path, there are professors who also have a trajectory of intense participation in their professional life as critics and as artists.

The PPGAC’s main publication experience is “O Percevejo” magazine, which was created in the 1980s in UNIRIO’s Theater Theory Department and, more recently, ceased publication in print mode and became available in digital form. The link to access the “O Percevejo” - digital magazine can be found on this site.

It is evident today the impetus of the PPGAC towards dialogue with other programs and institutions, the formation of networks of solidarity and also of national and international collaboration in training and research, in the historiographic, socio-cultural, and critical theoretical discussion, alongside action-research that is either properly artistic or at the same time artistic, social, and educational. This willingness towards dialogue and networking corroborates the plurality vocation and the complex configuration of UNIRIO’s PPGAC, ensuring the different contributions that the lines, laboratories, groups, research and extension projects, as well as interinstitutional exchanges, can provide to the Arts field and to the society.

The internationalization axis of UNIRIO’s PPGAC is spread through all of its activities: in the semester courses/subjects, in the exchanges/agreements, in the outreach activities, in the international student mobility (both of students of the program going to universities abroad and of foreign students coming to the PPGAC), in the production of professors etc. Today, each of the professors participates in one of the various internationalization activities. For the period 2017-2020, the program projects the deepening of international relations and actions, including a resumption of emphasis on Latin America, along with the maintenance and diversification of actions regarding institutions of central countries (Europe and the United States).

The secretariat, through the responsible technical administrative officer, Mr. Marcus Vinícius Rosas, assures the assistance to interested students, teachers, and citizens. It is also responsible for the storage and registration of information and data of the program, which represents a fundamental contribution for completing the modules of the Sucupira Platform. Moreover, it advises the Coordination and its various various Commissions, such as Restructuring/Evaluation, Diagnosis/Sucupira, Scholarships, Revalidation of Diplomas, Executive, as well as the evaluation commissions of student selection processes (Masters and PhD), providing information, organizing data, participating in debates on important topics for improving the academic production and management of the program.