Postgraduate Program in HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Infection
The Postgraduate Program of the Professional Master´s Degree Course in HIV/Aids and Viral Hepatitis Infection (PPGHIV / HV) of the Center for Biological and Health Sciences of the (CCBS-UNIRIO) Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro was created in 2013. The PPGHIV-HV is supported on the institutional experience consolidated in the theme and is structured according to the current legislation, provisions that standardize the UNIRIO stricto sensu Postgraduate courses that are governed by the terms of the current legislation, the CAPES regulations, of the UNIRIO´ General Rules. Figures released by the Health Surveillance Department (Department of Health) and presented in the HIV / AIDS epidemiological notes in December 2018 show that in Brazil, 926,742 aids cases were detected in the period from 1980 to June 2018, reported in the national database of the Information System on Notifiable Diseases (SINAN). The largest number of AIDS cases in Brazil is concentrated in individuals under the age between 25 and 39 years of both genders. The cases in this age group correspond to 52.6% in males and 48.7% in females of total cases registered until 2018. The scenario of aids mortality in Brazil make it appear that from the discovery of the first cases of aids (1980) until December 2017, 327,655 deaths were classified as basic causes of HIV disease. These patients currently have a high survival rate and are added to those already under treatment, overloading the Public Health. As for the at Viral Hepatitis, the SINAN 561,058 confirmed cases from 1999 -2016. Of these, (29.0%)162,847 concerning to hepatitis cases A, (37.8%) 212,031 of hepatitis B, (32.5%) 182,389 of hepatitis C and (0.7%) 3,791 of hepatitis D. Between 2003-2007, in Brazil, the hepatitis incidence rate A, was higher than the too much etiologies (B, C and D); however, after 2007, it showed an important decrease, reaching 0.6 / 100 thousand inhabitants in 2016. During the same period, by contrast, hepatitis B and C showed a tendency to increase. The lowest rates are observed for hepatitis D, which remained constant throughout the period. From 2000-2015, the Brazilian Mortality Information System (SIM) identified 61,297 deaths associated with viral hepatitis of types A, B, C and D. Despite the high number of cases of HIV / AIDS and viral hepatitis, the worrying is that in recent years the number of Specialized Services in Aids and Viral Hepatitis has not grown, therefore, there is a need for a highly qualified workforce for the graduates of the health field for this type of care, due to its complexity, due to the low socioeconomic profile of current patients. To train professionals in the process of Teaching, Research and Extension related to aids and Viral Hepatitis, involved in the generation of scientific knowledge, and included in the Unified Health System is a necessity of the moment and a great challenge for the future. The Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro already has a strong history of developing innovative practices in the treatment of aids and viral hepatitis in the last 30 years and is prepared to contribute to best care of Brazilian population. the Postgraduate Program in HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis goes to inside the Gafrée and Guinle University Hospital which houses the Graduate Course in Medicine and Surgery in association with the Hahnemannian Institute - EMC (located on the third floor of the Hospital), as is also house the undergraduate courses in: nursing, nutrition, biomedicine and specialization courses in physiotherapy, which collaborate in the multidisciplinary client care in the health field. Which favors the continuity of training and research within the Program. The Gaffrée e Guinle University Hospital (HUGG) was built in 1928 and maintained by the Gaffrée e Guinle Foundation for Combating Venereal Diseases. In the year 1964, the Hospital was officially incorporated into the Medical and Surgery School as Clinic Hospital Gaffrée and Guinle. In 1983, the foundations of the current National STD, AIDS and VIRAL HEPATITIS Program of the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MS were implemented, considered by the UN and WHO´s as an international efficiency model. The HUGG´s accreditation as a NATIONAL AIDS REFERENCE CENTER by the Department of Health, Welfare and Human Services, Education and Labor took place on October 13, 1987 (Ordinance CIPLAN n ° 05 FOB), and was afterward ratified by Ordinance no. 350 of the Department of Health, FOB published in the FOB of March 25, 1993. In 1983, HUGG's medical clinic B Service became the pioneer in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil by setting up a Service of Excellence for aids research, teaching, hosting and multidisciplinary treatment of people witch aids. The HIV / AIDS outpatient clinic currently has a patient volume of more than 3,500, with a scheduling total of 1700 monthly consultations. It is the largest outpatient clinic of this specialty in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In recent years new patients were received and registered in the outpatient clinic, of both gender, including pregnant. The age group of service varies between 18 and 66 years. The PPGHIV-HV is integrated with the society and labor market, conducting research in several municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and qualifying health professionals for the labor market. Quoting some examples: - Outpatient clinic of the Municipal HIV / AIDS Program of Miracema Municipality - RJ, where assistance and research work are carried out with patients from the Miracema Municipal HIV Program, collaborating immensely with the health care of the residents of the Municipality. - Itaguaí Municipality: study of the therapeutic response from the use of antiretrovirals in patients with HIV / AIDS infection in the Municipal STD / AIDS Program in the city of Itaguaí. - Integration with the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro, where officials passed in the PPGHIV-HV Public Notice conduct research in health units of the Municipality and contribute to the increase of care. - Lorena, SP. Research conducted jointly with the Municipal Health Department of Lorena - SP. On the hematological profile of HIV / AIDS patients and their correlation with accession to TARV. - Partnership of Professor of the Program with the School of Osteopathy of Madrid; with the undergraduate students of the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ). Partnership with the University Extension Program of UNIRIO - RENASCER (primary care for the elderly). Partnership with the Multi-professional Residency Program in Hospital Health which they have already been titrated 2 residents qualified in the PPGHIV-HV. All Program framework is detailed in the electronic page of the Course: Objectives The main objective of the Program is the theoretical and practical training of professionals working in several areas to train health workers, meeting the labor market in view of the fact to increase knowledge and to expand the professional education in health in a multidisciplinary perspective , Labor, Education and Health adding the Fields of Concentrations. The specific objectives of the Program are: I- To train qualified masters to develop innovative practices in the health-disease process in the field of AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (HV), in view of the fact growing demand of society; II- Stimulate the multi and interdisciplinarity with other fields of knowledge, in view of the fact to the interests of professionals of several fields of Health Sciences wishing to deepen knowledge in the HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis field; III- To stimulate the production of medical and related knowledge, as well as its application with humanized scientific basis in various organizational environments of the public, private and academic sectors; IV- Foster studies and debates on AIDS and HV at the national and international levels, with emphasis on the Brazilian reality; V- Promote the innovative development of processes, products and services, in order to contribute to effectiveness and efficiency in the global management of AIDS and HV; VI- Collaborate to enlargement and consolidate the scientific field of AIDS and HV in its various clinical, laboratory, epidemiological, psychosocial, ethical, and inter alia. VII- Emphasize research and critical reflection, in an environment of production of humanized scientific knowledge, propitiating the implementation of specialized research and projects, having as its theme the area of HIV and HV; VIII- Qualify high-level workforce to work in teaching and research activities, linked to professional training programs in the global management of HIV / AIDS and HV.
Accreditation and re-accreditation of the Program are carried out by selected evaluation commissions and collegiate course meetings and based on an evaluation instrument prepared by the same. In 2018 The faculty of the PPGHIV / HV went through re-registration and a productivity evaluation with an evaluation committee, with approval of the final result of this evaluation by the collegiate. The teaching staff was composed of 34 teachers, 19 permanent teachers, 11 teaching staff and 2 visiting professors. Of these, 7 permanent Teaching migrated to collaborators, 1 collaborator became permanent Teaching and 4 teachers were de-accredited (1 Permanent and 3 Contributors). Further information on previous calls can be found on the Program's website:
Further information can be found in the Program's website:
e-mail:, coordenaçã
Telephone: 2264-4011
Social Network: Facebook:
Collegiate Minutes; PPG Regulation; Manual guidelines: Appendix
Institutional Research Projects Teaching:
Quality of life and compliance to treatment in HIV patients Described analysis of reactive individuals for HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B and C in CTA / HUGG
Economic analysis of nursing technologies: difficulties and opportunities in care interventions Epidemiological aspects of sexually transmitted infections and its determining factors in the it was of functional AIDS cure.
Evaluation of dermoscopy as a non-invasive technique for the early detection of melanoma and precursor melanocytic lesions in patients with HIV / AIDS
Evaluation of the clinical efficacy of the use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as an treatment approach for oral candidiasis in patients infected with HIV / AIDS
Nutritional evaluation of patients with chronic liver disease Nutritional evaluation of patients included in the AIDS program in HUGG Characterization of HIV resistance to Dolutegravir. Neurological diseases associated with HIV infection.
Oncologic diseases in HIV infection Parasitic diseases in carriers of the HIV / AIDS Study of the dermatological alterations resulting from the treatment of Hepatitis C with the nucleoside analogue direct inhibitor Sofosbuvir Prevalence study of psychiatric disorders in patients with HIV in treatment witch antiretroviral drugs that present virologic failure Study of the semantic traits of definiteness and specificity of the referent in scientific texts on the HIV HIV in the elderly Nutrition, Physical Exercise, Integrative and Complementary Practices in immunosuppressed. Standardization of PCR methodology for HIV-1 viral load quantification Profile of patients' access to health services specialized in the treatment of hepatitis C in Brazil Research to update the database of patients with HIV / AIDS in care at the HUGG medical clinic B National Registry of Cases of Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Undergoing Treatment with Second and Third
Generation Antiviral Agents Sofobuvir, Daclatasvir, Simeprevir, Ombitasvir / Veruprevir / Ritonavir & Desabuvir, Sofosbuvir + Ledispavir. Work and living conditions after the introduction of HAART: a study of people living with HIV / Aids in HUGG. Student Scientific Production - Student Party – Defended Thesis
All Student Scientific Production can be accessed in the link of the Course electronic page:
Procedure for issuing a diploma
The passed student in the Thesis Defense, concept A or B, has a maximum term established in regulation (§3, article 35, PPGHIV / HV) of sixty (60) days to remedy all pending and suggestions pointed out by the Board. Where it is passed with pending, will have 30 days.
The student delivers a copy of the product and thesis, in pdf file, recorded on
digital media (CD / DVD); a printed copy of the thesis, in hard cover, golden letters, according ABNT guideline standards; completes the respective forms of authorization of publication of the final paper in the sectoral library, with the approval of its Guidance Counselor, as well as internal form created with the purpose of identifying the professional profile of the egress and the objectives of acting to branch related or not with activities of the master's degree.
At the end of the term, the curricular fulfillment of the student in the system of the university / institution, with the creation of the Study Plan, containing final title of the work, date of defense, date of qualification, counselor, internal and external members as well as the alternates which made up the board, besides to the respective institutions related to each of them.
Also, through the Institution's system, the process for the preparation of the
diploma is opened, with the generation of Application for Diploma Registration which - attached with a copy of an identity document with a photo, diploma and undergraduate Academic Transcript - is dispatched to create a physical process having as destination the SUPERVISION OF DOCUMENTATION AND UNIVERSITY RECORDS. The student, in turn, requests the diploma through a page of the DTIC Service Center ( Information and Communication Technology Directorship), through digital access through the Portal: x. Following 15 days, the student has to be must go to the Diplomas Shipping Division for withdrawal of the document.
Fields of Concentration and Line of Research:
The PPGHIV / HV is based around two fields of concentration and two lines of research:
1) HIV/Aids and 2) Viral Hepatitis.
Curriculum Organization
13 subjects are offered that make up the credit’s framework. The preparation of the thesis is accompanied by seminars that add 10 credits (15h each credit) making a total of 30 credits required. Total Class Hours offered in the first year: 390 hours - 26 credits and the Total Class Hours offered in the second year: 90 Days- 6 credits The student concludes this total of credits distributed as follows:
a) 14 in conjunction to compulsory subjects, b) 06 in conjunction to elective subjects, c) 10 in conjunction to preparation and thesis defense.
Credits of Course:
The Compulsory Subjects offer will be constituted as follows: total of 24 credits – 360 hours: HIV/Aid Advanced Seminars Viral Hepatitis Advanced Seminars. Methodology Research and Biostatistics. Aids and Viral Hepatitis Research Laboratory. Research Seminars. Practical Training in Service. Seminars for Preparation of I, II, III and IV Final Paper. The Elective Subjects offer will be constituted as follows: total of 6 credits - 90 hours, free choice as Guidance Counselor: Systematic Review and Metanalysis. Immuno-Basic Virology and Immunopathology. Infectious Diseases Associated with HIV Infection. Specialized Practical Training. HIV Infection in Pregnant, Children and Adolescents. High Activity Antiretroviral Therapy. HIV / Viral Hepatitis Co-Infection. Scientific Communication. Dissemination of Subjects throughout the Course: First Academic Term: Advanced seminars on HIV / AIDS; Research Methodology and Biostatistics; Research Seminars; Seminars of Elaboration of Final Paper I; Elective Subjects: Infectious Diseases Associated with HIV Infection 4 Credit - 60 hours. Second Academic Term: Aids and Viral Hepatitis Research Laboratory.; Advanced Seminars on Viral Hepatitis; Practical Training in Service; Seminars of Elaboration of Final Paper II. Elective Subjects: Immuno-Basic Virology and Immunopathology. Third Academic Term : Seminars of Elaboration of Final Paper III. Elective Subjects: Scientific Communication. Fourth Academic Term: Seminars of Elaboration of Final Paper IV. Profile Student The PPGHIV-HV is already an innovation in itself, it is the first professional master's degree whose subject involves two diseases with deficiency of professionals qualified in its management and with high incidence rates in the Brazilian population. As the Program has a multidisciplinary character, it is aimed at the training of professionals from different field. It forms groups with professionals graduated in different courses, which favors the exchange of experience between them. In 2013, 15 students were selected in the program, of which 14 were doctors and 1 nutritionist. In 2014 there were 30 masters, 18 doctors, 4 biologists, 3 nurses, 2 speech therapists, 1 pharmacist, 1 physiotherapist and 1 nutritionist. In 2015, 15 masters the joined, where 8 were doctors, 2 biologists, 2 dentists, 2 nurses and 1 pharmacist. The class of 2016 it was organized by 37 students, including 21 doctors, 3 dentists, 3 nurses, 3 speech therapists, 2 psychologists, 2 pharmacists, 1 biologist, 1 physiotherapist and 1 biomedical. In 2017, 32 undergraduate students they joined in the program were 21 physicians, 3 physiotherapists, 2 nurses and 1 psychologist, 1 biotechnologist, 1 pharmacist, 1 dentist, 1 nutritionist and 1 biomedical. The group of 2018 was composed of 15 masters, 7 doctors, 3 physiotherapists, 2 nurses, 1 speech therapist, 1 psychologist and 1 nutritionist. A total of 144 students between 2013 and 2018, of which 82 were graduates, 21 failed, 1 deceased and 39 still in course. Laboratory's The PPGHIV / HV has an excellent structure, currently has 12 rooms available to teaching and students, distributed as follows: 3 administrative; 2 for molecular life science laboratory; 1 for Immunodiagnostics' and flow cytometry; 1 for washing material; 1 for reagent storage; 1 for refrigerators and freezers (-20 and -800C); 2 amphitheaters; 1 storeroom; 3 bathrooms. In 2018, the Program Collegiate was approved to linking the Research Laboratory on Immunology and Aids (LAPIA) to PPGHIV-HV, under the coordination of Prof. PhD. Luiz Claudio Pereira that is being expanded and modernized. The LAPIA has the following equipment: Automatic microplate washer, ELISA reader and incubator; Flow cytometer 4 colors (BD FacsCalibur); Attune NXT Cytometer; Luminex; Automatic Sequencer 3500; Thermocyclers (PCR Veriti); Real Time 7500 fast; Milli Q Water purifying system (Direct 8); Laboratory centrifuge; Autoclave; Laminar flow and PCR booths; Optical Microscope; Precision balance; Plate agitator (Agimaxx) and Vortex; Thermo-block and water bath; Centrifuge for microtubes; Incubator for microtubes; Nanodrop and Qubit; Photo documentation system (L.PIX); Ice machine. PPGHIV / HV also has the full support of the HUGG Central Laboratory and the Pathological Anatomy Laboratory with special colorings and immunohistochemistry techniques for research and diagnosis of various diseases related to AIDS and viral hepatitis. It has the support of the Laboratory of Nutritional Evaluation in Aids (LANAIDS) that carries out Research and Extension activities with undergraduate students, integrated to the students of the PPGHIV-HV. The program also has witch on the support of the Immunology and Liver Disease Clinics, in the integral practical support indispensable for the development of research related to the Natural History of HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis.
Schedule of Defense Every student registered in the Course has a maximum deadline of 24 months for thesis defense, presentation of technical product and publication in an indexed periodical. Teaching Internship It does not apply because it is a professional master's degree. Meanwhile, the Program has the Subjects with practical Class Hours - Practical Training in Service, where the masters work in the care of patients with HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis in the respective outpatient clinics. The internship is carried out by the masters under the supervision of four teachers. Graduation students of medicine, nursing and nutrition, mainly the interns participate in the service together with the masters and encourage case discussions. This integration allows the masters to exercise teaching always under the supervision of Teaching of the Course. Follow-up of Graduates: It is carried out in 3 ways: through WhatsApp and Facebook groups, which are message applications and virtual social networking media, where all students in the program are invited to share experiences and opportunities; through the evaluation of the curricula deposited in the Platform Lattes of the masters trained in the PPGHIV-HV; events where alumnus are invited to present their trajectories after titration in the PPGHIV-HV. Public Notices Supply and demand of vacancies. Student Selection: The PPGHIV / HV opens vacancies for different areas not only of health, but also of the social science. For the admission of the candidates in the program are prepared and approved, by the collegiate, Public Notices for the student selection process, in accordance with the UNIRIO Resolution No. 4,017, dated 10/23/2012, UNIRIO Resolution No. 2,937, dated 02 / 2008, Recommendation No. 07/2008 of the Federal Attorney General's Office, Official Memorandum 0489/2008 / PR / CAPES, Decree No. 9.094, of 07/17/2017, Decree No. 3.298, of 12/20/1999 , Law of Decree No. 6.944, of August 21, 2009, Law No. 12,990 of June 9, 2014 and Law No. 7,853 of October 24, 1989, which provides for the reservation of vacancies and support for disabled persons, and Law No. 10,741, dated 10/1/2003, with the purpose of filling 15 (fifteen) vacancies per year and in order of classification of the approved ones. The public notices are widely published in writing on the UNIRIO website, on the Program's website, on social networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp, and by e-mail. The process consists of 3 steps: Document analysis and homologation of registrations of an eliminatory nature; Assessment of foreign language comprehension (English) in an eliminatory and classificatory manner; Oral Proof - Arrangement of the scientific research project and analysis of the Lattes curriculum (interview conducted through a panel composed of 3 PPGHIV / HV teaching PhD). At the end of each stage the partial result is published, the final one being presented to the collegiate of the program for appreciation and approval, when the selection process is closed. Frequency of selection: Annually Faculty The permanent Teaching are the PhD: Amilcar Tanuri (Member of the Brazilian Society of Science, Prof. Full of UFRJ, WHO consultant , associated research scientist - Columbia University, laboratory consultant - State Nucleus of the Ministry of Health in Rio de Janeiro); Antônio Macedo D`Acri (Professor of the Medical and Surgery School of UNIRIO of the Subjects of Dermatology); Carlos Eduardo Brandão Mello (Full Professor of the Discipline of Medical Clinic / Gastroenterology, of Medical and Surgery School , UNIRIO. Coordinates the Post-Graduation in Gastroenterology of the UNIRIO and is also Head of the Unit of Liver Diseases of the HUGG); Daniel Aragão Machado (Professor of the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing, Vice-coordinator of the Master's Degree in Health and Technology in Hospital Space. Responsible for the Undergraduate Discipline of the Nursing Semi-technical Nursing 2, responsible for the Nursing Residency Specialization Discipline: Scientific Methodology, Full Member of PROPIPPI Hetero identification Committee.); Dario Jose Hart Pontes Signorini (Professor of the Medical and Surgery School of UNIRIO/ Head of the department of general medicine at the Medical and Surgery School and Coordinator of the internship of the Medical Degree - UNIRIO); Fabiana Barbosa Assumpção de Souza (Professor of the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing, responsible for the Disciplines Nursing Attention to People with Pneumopathies and Nursing Curricular Internship in Adult and Elderly Health Care. Collaborating Professor in the Subjects of the Medical and Surgery School (UNIRIO): Introduction to Basic Techniques. Leader of the research group CNPq Tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS and Neglected Diseases. UNIRIO Coordinator of Professional Master's Degree Course in HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Infection; Fernando Raphael de Almeida Ferry (Principal of HUGG. Professor of Clinical Medicine and Aids at the Medical and Surgery School UNIRIO, Coordinator of PPGHIV-HV. Teaching of assistance and research at HUGG); Gloria Regina Mesquita da Silveira (Professor at the Nutrition School of UNIRIO, working in the undergraduate degree, at the HUGG Multiprofessional residence and is a member of the Postgraduate Program in Health and Technology in Hospital Space); Jorge da Cunha Barbosa Leite (Professor of the Medical and Surgery School of UNIRIO, Regent of Otorhinolaryngology, Member of the Otorhinolaryngology Society of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical Facial Surgery, Member of the Superior Council of the Brazilian Association of ABMT Labor Medicine. Member of the Board of Professional Defense of the Otorhinolaryngology Society of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Jorge Francisco da Cunha Pinto (Professor of Clinical Medicine and Aids of the Medical and Surgery School UNIRIO, Administrative Manager of HUGG by the Brazilian company of Hospital Services-EBSERH. Julio Cesar Tolentino Junior (Professor of the Medical and Surgery School of UNIRIO); Ludmila dos Santos Guimarães (Professor of the Library Science of UNIRIO, Deputy Coordinator of Distance Education UAB / CAPES UNIRIO {2010-2015}. Member of the Technical Chamber of Human Resources Training of CONARQ-MJ since 2010. Leader of the CNPq Research Group Organization / Production of Scientific Knowledge and Positive Institutions and Coordinator of Student Policies of UNIRIO since 2016 and Coordinator of student policies of the Student Affairs Dean's Office); Luiz Claudio Pereira Ribeiro (Coordinator of the Laboratory of Research in Immunology and Aids and Coordinator of the Center for Testing and Counseling at HUGG); Marzia Puccioni Sohler (Professor of the Medical and Surgery School of UNIRIO; Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases / School of medicine / UFRJ. Coordinator of the Neuro infection Research Group UFRJ / CNPq. Representative of South America in the "International Retrovirology Association". Vice-coordinator network 6 in the Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Program in the State of RJ of FAPERJ. Member of the Advisory Committee for the Management of Human T-lymphotropic Virus Infection (HTLV) of the Department of Health; Monica Israel Ferreira ( Professor Deputy of Stomatology, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Stomatology, Oral Pathology and Special Patients Professor at Veiga de Almeida University and Coordinator of Stomatology Specialization at São Leopoldo Mandic - Rio de Janeiro); Omar Lupi da Rosa Santos (Postdoctoral degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston / TX between 2001 and 2002). Lecturers Professor of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Deputy Professor of Dermatology at UNIRIO, Collaborating Researcher at BioVasc at UERJ, Permanent Teaching at the Postgraduate Course in Clinic Medical at UFRJ, deputy head of the Clinical Immunology Service at HUCFF-UFRJ, Full Professor at the Medical Postgraduate Course of the Carlos Chagas Institute being Chief of the Dermatology Service of the General Polyclinic of Rio de Janeiro. Paulo Sergio Marcellini (Professor of the Department of Biochemistry of the Biomedical Institute of UNIRIO, permanent member of the Programs: PhD in Nursing and Biosciences and Master's Degree in Health and Technology in the Hospital Space of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro; Walter de Araujo Eyer Silva (Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Medical and Surgery School at UNIRIO, Coordinator of the Subjects of Allergy and Immunology at UNIRIO, professor of the Postgraduate Course in Allergy and Clinical Immunology, researcher at the Research Laboratory in Immunology and Aids of HUGG, Member of the Brazilian Society of Allergy and Immunopathology (ASBAI), guest reviewer of the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (Bombay), Clinical Infectious Diseases (Chicago), AIDS Care (UK), Memories of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (Rio de Janeiro ), Journal of the Institute of Tropical Medicine of São Paulo (SP), Journal of Infection (UK), European Journal of Neurology (UK) and Clinical medicine insights. Circulatory, respiratory and pulmonary medicine). The Collaborators Teaching are in the process of evaluation: Arthur F. Cortez; Jairo D. Barreira; Marcia H. S. Costa; Márcia Lyrio; Márcia Ma. A. Pires; Max Kopti Fakoury; Rogério Neves Motta; Vivian P. de Almeida; Viviane M. S. Neves. The program participated in Public Notice 35/2017 of PROPGPI for Visiting Teachers and selected the PhD Mônica Barcellos Arruda as Visiting Professor; and the program also counts on the participation of the visiting professor Paula Paraguassu Brandão, selected for the same public notice for the postgraduate program in Nursing and Bioscience (PhD), which was indicated by this coordination to integrate our program. Student Party Quoted in the item in Student Scientific Production and other information can be found in the electronic page of the Course: